For example, if we believe that the world is a dangerous place, then we live in a world of anxiety, where we never feel safe. We can never relax and are always in the "Fight or Flight" mode of our cavemen ancestors.
However, if we believe that we live in a safe world, then that is how our lives are. Safe. We can move through life peacefully and in a relaxed manner. Much more enjoyable.
As children, we took on the beliefs of our parents; all part of the normal growing up process. However, as adults our parents beliefs can be limiting and hold us back from having successful lives. It is a very useful exercise to identify the beliefs that came from childhood and decide whether or not they are useful now. Here are some examples of limiting beliefs:
- I do not deserve love/success/money etc.
- I am not good enough to be loved/ to be successful/ to have money etc.
- Life is hard.
- Life is painful.
- Only bad people have lots of money.
- Everyone gets sick when they get old.
It is possible to change limiting beliefs to positive and empowering beliefs and it is well worth the effort.
Here are some useful beliefs:
- I deserve to be loved/happy/successful etc.
- I am good enough to be loved/successful/wealthy etc.
- I love and approve of myself.
- I believe that I have a happy and healthy life filled with joy and abundance.
- I excel in all areas of my life.
- I believe that all is well in my world.
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