We pull it up, we dig it up, we poison it, but next winter it returns. It pushes it's way between our beloved plants, shoving them out of its way, with what seems like real determination to have a place in the Sun.
The general perception of this plant seems to be that it is a nuisance.
I was thinking about this one day, when I was pulling Soursobs from my garden. It occurred to me that actually they deserve a bit of respect. They seem to have some of the qualities that we admire in each other. For example, they are tenacious, persistent, and tough and when in full flower, quite attractive. Admirable qualities. So even though I still pull them out of my garden, I now do so with a different perspective and a measure of respect.
I guess what I am saying is that sometimes all we need is a different perspective to change what seems to be a negative into to something more positive. Perhaps we just need to look a little deeper to find that there is always something to respect in people or weeds, even if it is not obvious at a first glance. So next time you are pulling up weeds, have a think about what it is about the weed that you could respect and perhaps your perspective about weeds and maybe even some people, will change too.
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