One of the things that I have noticed about the animals that have graced my life over the years is that they are always happy just being themselves. How many people do you know are like that?
We are often self critical of ourselves. We are too fat, too skinny, our noses are too big or our boobs are not big enough! We try to be whatever we believe other people want us to be. We say what we think other people want to hear not our own truth. And where does all this get us?
We are miserable. We do not do the things that we really want to do. We end up with a life that is not fulfilling and very often we end up sick.
Gwyn on the other hand is happy just being himself. He says what he wants to say,even though he speaks cat, not English. I am sure that he thinks I am dumb for not always understanding him. He does what he wants to do. OK, so he is just a cat, and that is easy for cats but not always for Humans! Or is it?
Well, I have stopped trying to be what other people want. I have stopped trying to please everyone. I am taking a leaf out of Gwyn's book and just being myself and guess what? I am a much happier person. So how about trying it for yourself and see what happens?
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