I have been reading about things that I have never thought about in detail before.

The book also goes into a lot of maths (not my strong point) to show how the Moon not only effects the Earth but is essential to our existence! In fact we can't continue to live on this planet as we are, without the Moon.
I read a book called "The Honeymoon Effect" by
Bruce H Lipton PhD. This one shows how quantum physics, biochemistry and psychology can help us to create and sustain fantastic relationships. Dr Lipton asserts that if we use the 50 trillion cells that live harmoniously in a healthy human body as a model, we could create a humanity that lives in harmony.
No more war on this or war on that. Sounds good to me.
Next was "The Divine Matrix" by Gregg Braden. Now I understand that we are all connected by a matrix of energy. and that the experiences that we attract to ourselves is dependent upon our thoughts.
Then I read "The Biggest Secret" by David Icke. Now my brain really got a good work out. David Icke gives so much information as to what is really going on in the world and who is really running it. Now this really gives you a brain work out!
The upshot of all this brain exercise (and I much prefer exercising my brain rather than my body) is that I feel like I see the world with a much bigger perspective.
I have learned so much more about how life really works and that the only way for us as human beings to evolve further is for us to let go of the fear that surrounds us and change the way that we think. And as usual, we all have a choice. Do we choose to continue to live in fear or do we choose to live in Love? I know which one I prefer and it isn't fear.
I am still reading books and exercising my brain. I am still widening my perspective and continuing to understand how the world works. I will never know it all - no one can. But it makes for an interesting journey.
Hilary Thompson
The Out and About Therapist
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