Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Creativity - Keeping Us Healthy & Happy

Creativity is one ability that we all have and we need to recognise and use it. Shutting down our creativity, by telling ourselves that we are not creative, or by not using it, can actually make us physically and emotionally sick. 
Creativity comes in many forms. There are the obvious ones, painting, drawing and any kind of artistic persuit. But creativity is in everything we do; the ultimate expression of course, is creating a new human life.
I used to believe that as I was not much of an artist, I was not creative. This belief made me feel bad about myself. Sadly, in my experience, many others think the same thing. How wrong we are. Having changed my "I'm not creative" belief, I am really enjoying being creative by doing things like writing my blog posts, my photography and recognising where else in my life I am creative. It makes me feel good!

Here are some examples of creativity for you to ponder.  
How many of these can you relate to?  
Arts & Crafts, the more traditional ways of being creative.
Music - singing or playing an instrument are all creative pursuits.
Photography- the digital age of photography gives us a huge opportunity to be creative.
Cooking & Baking - even cooking a meal for yourself is being creative.
Training our pets; dog training can often test our creativity!
Language; using words creatively to get our message across. Telling jokes or stories.
Gardening - many people gain so much pleasure from growing plants and creating gardens of many different varieties and sizes.
Planning family events & decorating the venue.
Problem solving - here is a really good opportunity to be creative, to "think outside the square".
Gifts - selection and wrapping of gifts is very creative and can be a lot of fun.
Life -  we are the creators of our own lives. The lives that we live are the creation of our thoughts. 

Using our creativity in what ever way we choose enriches our life experience, makes us feel good and helps us to stay healthy. So value and celebrate your creativity, where ever you find it.

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