I had the whole reserve to myself. It was so peaceful. Then all of a sudden there were a group of small parrots swooping an squawking all around me. What on earth was going on? The Parrots were so intent upon fighting each other, that they did not notice me and I was able to take this photo. I presume that they were fighting over territory, but who knows? It was a bit like watching a Soap Opera!
It reminded me of how we as humans squabble and fight over petty issues that can often become a huge drama. Causing rifts between friends, family members, co-workers and even communities. Often the bad feelings continue on, long after the original situation has gone and the original cause of the fight forgotten.
It is one thing for birds to have their petty squabbles, but as humans are we not more advanced than the Birds? Are we not more intelligent and emotionally advanced as a species? Sometimes I wonder!
If everyone made a pact; a choice, not to fight with each other, and then made a choice every day to be compassionate and caring; just imagine how that would change the world.
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