Tuesday 25 January 2011

Floods, Loss, Recovery & New Life!

 All of us at some stage in our lives have to deal with some sort of loss. Whether we loose the lives we were accustomed to  from natural disasters like fire or flood, or from loosing our career/job, someone that we love, or our health. 
Whatever the loss, we all go through a period of shock, anger and grief. It's painful, it really hurts.We think that we will never be happy again. Our lives will never be the same again.
The truth is, our lives will never be the same again, but maybe that is OK. 

There comes a time when we have to make a  decision about our lives. The choices are: do I stay in a state of grief, living a half life, or do I take a small step each day towards building myself a new life and start living again? Only you can make that choice.

Like the forest that re-grows after a bushfire, it is possible to create a new and fulfilling life. The loss of what we once had can be very liberating. It can allow us to do and experience things that we have never done before. Think of things that you would have liked to have done, but due to what was going on in your old life you put them to one side; are you, in your new liberated state, able to do those things now?

When we are creating our new lives, we need to accept help and support when  it is offered. It is really important to let family & friends old and new help us.
One of the best traits of Human Beings, is that generally people love to help others. So when you are offered a helping hand, take it. I could not have got to where I am now without the love and support of of the people in my life.

My passion is to help people live their best life, and so I am offering an on-line Relationships, Communication & Life Skills Coaching service. Can I help you? 

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