Tuesday 18 January 2011

Look At Me!

A couple of weeks ago I was walking through one of my favourite places, Wittunga Botanic Garden in Blackwood.

Now there are lots of ducks that hang around the two lakes in the garden, but I was on a path away from the lakes when I came across this little chap.

He and his mate appeared to be taking a stroll just like an old married couple! As they approached me, I stood quietly still to see what would happen. The Drake marched over to me demanding my attention. He was not aggressive, he just seemed to want me to notice him. Of course I had to take his photo! Having done that, he walked off!

We humans, just like this duck need to be noticed. From childhood to adulthood, we need to be noticed, recognized and valued for who we are to enable us to have a healthy self esteem and sense of our own value. Without this we shrink from ourselves and others, becoming in danger of developing depression and using negative behaviours to gain any attention that we can. This can lead to disastrous relationships, compromised health and generally stops us from living our best life. And helping people to live their best life is what I am passionate about.

One thing that I like to do when I am out and about, is to smile and say "Good Morning" etc to anyone that I pass in the street. In that way I am noticing them. I always receive a smile or "Good Morning" back. It brightens up my day and I am sure that the other person feels the same. 

Food for thought: How often to you make an effort to notice someone? How often do you feel noticed?

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