Saturday 4 December 2010

The Language of Love

Red Rose -I Love You
In Victorian times, as we all know, they were not as open about expressing their feelings as we tend to be today. The devised a language using flowers that symbolized their feelings for their special loved ones.
Being something of a romantic, I can sigh and think what a lovely way to communicate your feelings for someone. However, the pragmatist in me says " That's all very well if you understand the meaning behind the flower, but I'd rather have some help around the house!"

When people come to me for help with their relationships, one question that I ask them is: " Have you ever asked your partner/spouse what it is that they need you to do to feel loved?" The next question then has to be: "What do you need your partner/spouse to do for you to feel loved?"  Invariably the answers are "No" to the first question and "I have never thought about it." to the second. When you think about it, if you want a really good loving relationship, these are important questions. Especially when you take into consideration that we are all so different, and therefore have different criteria when it comes to feeling loved.   

Another question that is well worth thinking about when you first wake up in the morning is:
"What can I do today to make my partner/spouse feel loved?"

Maybe a bunch of roses of the appropriate colour will do the trick. That is up to you to find out!    
Yellow Rose - Friendship & Joy
Coral Rose - Desire
White Rose -Eternal Love
Pink Rose - Perfect Happiness

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