Sunday, 21 November 2010

The Echidna's Message

A couple of days ago I went for a walk in a part of the Belair National Park that was new to me. It was a lovely sunny morning. I was walking along a track which had a bank on one side, when I heard a loud rustling. I stopped to see what or who was making such a racket.Out popped the largest Echidna I have ever seen. Now you don't  get to see Echidnas in the wild very often. Over the years I have seen a few of these animals, but not this big or as close as this one.
I stood quietly and watched it fossiking around in the leaf litter.

The Echidna seemed to me to be totally oblivious to my presence. Even though I moved a little closer to the bank to get a better view, it did not seem at all concerned. In fact it took no notice of me at all! Amazing!

I felt so privileged to be able to watch this wild creature just getting on with its life.

Echidnas are such amazing creatures, with their long pointy noses which are ideal for eating the ants & termites that they live on. Here are some Echidna facts: they reproduce by laying eggs; populate all areas of Australia and live for about 49 years!

It occurred to me that here is  an animal who is so focussed on what it is doing, it took no notice of  me watching it. It was really living in the moment. It serves as a reminder to me that it is so important to focus on what ever it is that I am doing. If I am driving the car, to focus my mind on driving the car. If I am walking in the National Park, to focus on what is going on around me as I walk. If I am doing the washing up, focus on washing the dishes, not to let my mind wander onto other things.  To live in the moment, concentrating at what is happening in my life right now. That is what is important. That is the Echidna's message. Are concentration, focus and living in the moment also important to you?

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