Friday 1 October 2010

The Flowers That Bloom In The Spring

I always look forward to Spring. This little patch of Blue Bells flowers every year at this time in my garden and always takes me back to my childhood.
I grew up in Hertforshire in the UK. Not far from where I l lived was what remained of a very ancient forest. There were and still are many huge old Beech Trees, Chestnut Trees and Oak Trees amongst whom I spent many happy hours in my early life. There was always something beautiful to see as each season took its turn, but my favorite was Spring when the Blue Bells flowered. It was quite magical. A beautiful blue and green carpet in between the trees, lit by the soft spring sunlight. I could imagine faeries flitting amongst the flowers doing whatever it is that faeries do. Sometimes I would pick a few to take home to Mum. 

I may now live a long long way from the Blue Bells in my childhood forest, but at least I have a little reminder of childhood pleasures in my garden every year.

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