Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Alpacas & Decisions!

Alpacas In The Adelaide Hills
I came across these Alpacas one day a few months ago when I was out and about.
The two adult Alpacas seem to me to be anxiously looking at where they have just come from.It is as if they are wondering whether to go back there or move on. The young Alpaca seems to have made his decision; it's as if he is saying " I don't care what you two are doing, but I am going this way!" 

Looking at the picture, it reminded me of how sometimes we need to make decisions in our lives, but get ourselves into a state of procrastination and inertia through self doubt and anxiety.

How do we brake through and make decisions for ourselves that enable us to move forward in our lives in the best possible way?

The first thing to do is to stop and look at all the pros and cons of making the decision. Looking at the possible consequences of whatever you decide can be useful. Ask yourself some questions. For example: how will doing nothing affect me and my situation in life? Do I want to change things, or am I happy with how my life is right now? 
Make a list of all the benefits  and disadvantages of making the decision. Look at which list is the longest. This can often help you to decide what is best for you. 

If you are still having trouble finding clarity, consult a trusted friend or someone like me, who will not make the decision for you, but offer different perspectives for you to consider. Sometimes a different way of looking at an issue or opportunity can make all the difference; and help the decision making process enormously. 

One of the most important and popular services that I offer is Relationships, Communication & Life Skills Coaching; in person or on-line via Skype. Go to my web site: http://www.theoutandabouttherapist.com/ to find out how I can help.

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