Sunday 19 December 2010

Butterfly Mind

For weeks now, each time I have been out for a walk, I have tried to take photos of these little Butterflies. But in spite of spending ages, patiently and quietly waiting they have eluded me. They either fold their wings and disappear into the leaf litter, or flit about so quickly that I have not been able to catch them on film.
Until now. Yesterday I found a large clump of these flowers along the side of a country road, complete with masses of these Butterflies.
Success at last! Their feeding frenzy kept them in one place long enough for me to photograph them and I am really pleased with the result. 
It occurred to me that the way the Butterflies flit about is just like the way our minds flit about. Moving from one thought to another, often creating  unnecessary anxiety or creating dramas that are within our heads, not necessarily reality. I think this is what the Buddhists call "Monkey Mind." 
It is also known as self - talk. Now self-talk can be helpful, but it can also be a problem. We all need to be aware of our self-talk and if it makes us feel bad in some way it is not helpful.  We therefore need to find ways of controlling it and changing it.
Self-talk management is one of the things that I teach when working with clients or with groups. Like everything, controlling your mind takes practice, but the results are well worth the effort.

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