Thursday, 6 December 2012

Thursday Musings - My Blog is blocked, but Gwyn helps out.

I was going to continue my Sunday Musings series, but I seem to have developed a blockage with my Blog.
It is now Thursday and I still have not been able to unblock my mind and write something deep and meaningful.

My little friend Gwyn
So here are my Thursday musings instead.

Aren't pets wonderful? Here is a picture of my cat Gwyn, with the kind of expression on his face that he gives me when I can't understand what he is trying to tell me. This is his "humans are so dumb" look.

I understand that not every one likes pets, however, for those of us that have pets and love them we would hate to be without them. 

Dogs, cats, horses,whatever your pet, give us great pleasure and lots of unconditional love and companionship. They help us to relax, make friends with other pet owners, get us out of the  house and generally make life more fun. For us dedicated pet owners, this far outweighs the work involved in looking after them.

Of all the cats I have had over the years, Gwyn is the most vocal. He uses his cat language to tell me what he wants.It usually is one of the following:
Gwyn enjoying the garden

  • Let me outside
  • Let me inside
  • I need food
  • I need a cuddle
  • I need to be played with 'cos I'm bored
  • Put the heater on 'cos I'm cold
If he is telling me something else and I just don't get it, he gives me "The Look".

Gwyn is very popular with some of my Clients. He is often there to greet them when they arrive and if he is not in sight, they frequently ask where he is.

Sometimes Gwyn climbs into a client's lap for a cuddle. He seems to know when someone needs a little extra love and comfort. 

In spite of the times when Gwyn gets a bit bossy and drives me nuts trying to understand him, my life would not be the same without him in it.

Hilary Thompson
The Out and About Therapist
Facilitator at Flourishing Relationships Retreats

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